Frequently Asked Questions Table of Contents
Additional comments that we still believe in today!
please read
World Wide Web
How do I create a Web Page?
For information of writing your homepage,
there are many HTML
references availiable.
How do I make my Web page accesible to the world?
All the files you want
to be accessible from your page must be in a directory called
The page you want to be loaded by default when someone uses the
http://www.zynetwc.com/~loginname must be called
You may have as many HTML and graphics files in your public_html
directory as you like.
Make sure all files and directories under public_html (including
public_html) are world readable.
- To do this for a file type:
- chmod 644 filename
- or for a directory type:
- chmod 755 directoryname.
How do I use CGIs in my Web page?
If you wish to use CGI scripts, you must.
load your files into your user cgi-bin
change filename to filename.cgi
chmod 755 filename.cgi
call the cgi like this
This URL can be used as the src= parameter in an img tag or
as the href= in an a tag.
Any CGIs you use, just like any other HTML or graphic file must be under the
public_html/cgi-bin directory. You do not need to include public_html/cgi-bin
in the URL to call a CGI script since it will be stuck in for you.
If you need to use command-line parameters with your CGI script, put them
at the end of the URL in the form +paramater1+paramter2...
Remember to replace all spaces with a + sign since spaces are not allowed
in URLs.
How do I pickup my e-mail?
- Eudora Users:
- POP account = username@.zynetsw.com
- Return address = username@zynetsw.com
- SMTP server = mail.zynetsw.com
- NetScape Mail Users:
- Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server = mail.zynetsw.com
- Incoming Mail (POP) = mail.zynetsw.com
- POP3 UserName = username
- Your e-mail = username@zynetsw.com
- Reply-to Address = username@zynetsw.com
How do I make my files available via FTP?
You Can't! Too Many Users have abused this and it is difficult to create accurate
logs of which files have been downloaded from which users dir. Serve you files
via http. The web server gladly serves mime compliant extensions.
How to extract/create tar files?
Tar sticks multiple files together. Tar dose not compress any of the files,
use gzip or compress to do that. This will extract files from foo.tar.
tar xvf foo.tar
x = extract files from an archive
v = verbosely list files processed
f = use archive file foo.tar, default is tape drive
This will archive the files bar1, bar2, and bar3 into foo.tar
You may specify directories as well as files to be included in the tar file.
If you specify a directory, everything in the directory will be included.
tar cvf foo.tar bar1 bar2 bar3
c = create a new archive
v = verbosely list files processed
f = use archive file foo.tar, default is tape drive
This will show you the contents of foo.tar.
tar tf foo.tar
t = list the contents of an archive
f = use archive file foo.tar, default is tape drive
How to extract/create gzip files?
Gzip files are compressed files. Gzip can only compress one (1) file. If you
wish to compress more than one file, use tar first. This will compress
foo into foo.gz.
Either of these will decompress foo.gz into foo.
gzip -d foo.gz or
gunzip foo.gz
What is a .tgz file?
A .tgz file is a file that has been created using tar, and gzip. To extract
this file, you have a few options:
1) Uncompress the file using gunzip. Then untar the file using tar.
2) Use the "si" script at Zynet by using the following command line and replacing
foo.tgz with your filename: si foo.tgz.
How to extract/create .Z files?
.Z files are created using the compress command. They can be uncompressed
using the uncompress command or with by using gzip. Gzip handles
gzipped files as well as files compressed using compress.
IP Addresses
What is an IP address?
Every machine on the the Internet must have a unique IP address. These addresses
are 32 bit numbers, normally written as four decimal numbers, one for each 8
bits of the address. This is called dotted-decimal notation.
What is Zynet's IP address?
Zynets main mailing address is:
Hostname: zynetsw.com
IP address:*
What is Zynet's NNTP (news) server's address?
Zynets news server's address is:
No longer available (sorry)
What is Zynet's POP server's address?
Zynets POP server's address is:
Hostname: mail.zynetsw.com
IP address:*
What is Zynet's DNS (nameserver) server's address?
Zynets DNS server address is:
Note: it is important to use the IP address instead of the hostname in this
* A Note about addresses.
It is usually a good idea to use hostnames instead of IPs whenever possible,
so that if the machines are changed around, the names can still point to the
proper machines. However the DNS server should NOT use the hostname,
since it has no way of figuring out the IP from the name (that's what the DNS
server itself does, it translates hostnames into IPs.)
What's the diffence between a binary and an ASCII file?
An ASCII file is just a text file. It can include the entire alphabet, upper
and lower case, the digits, and all the symbols on the keyboard. Binary files
are files that include more characters than just text. Most executable program
are binary files (except scripts), all compressed files and image files are
binary, etc... ASCII files have the top bit stripped off every byte, and binary
files are a full 8 bits per byte.
How do I send a binary file through e-mail or Usenet?
Most mailers or news readers can not send or receive binary files. In the case
that you need to transfer a binary file, you will have to either use a mailer/news
reader that supports binary files (MIME compatible, i.e. pine) or use
the more popular method, uuencode the files.
How do I use uuencode and uudecode?
Uuencode takes a 2 filenames as parameters, and outputs an ASCII file. The first
parameter is the files you want to encode, the second is the file you want to
call it when it is uudecoded. Usually, the second parameter will be the same
as the first. You can uuencode ASCII files, but its quite pointless.
The reason you need the > file.uue is because uuencode spits the
uuencoded result file to the screen, and not to a file. This traps it to a file.
When all finsihed, the file.uue will contain the uuencoded file.
uuencode file.bin file.bin > file.uue
Uudecoding is much easier. It takes 1 parameter, just the file to uudecode.
After using this command, the uudecoded file is put in the same directory you
ran uudecode from.

Copyright 1995 Ishiboo!